Reigber, Ch., Jochmann, H., Wünsch, J., Petrovic, S., Schwintzer, P., Barthelmes, F., Neumayer, K.-H., König, R., Förste, Ch., Balmino, G., Biancale, R., Lemoine, J.-M., Loyer, S., Perosanz, F.: Earth Gravity Field and Seasonal Variability from CHAMP, In: Reigber, Ch., Lühr, H., Schwintzer, P., Wickert, J. (eds.), Earth Observation with CHAMP - Results from Three Years in Orbit, Springer, Berlin, 25-30, 2004. EIGEN-CHAMP03S is a CHAMP-only gravity field model derived from CHAMP GPS satellite-to-satellite and accelerometer data out of the period October 2000 through June 2003. EIGEN-CHAMP03S is the final version of the preliminary model EIGEN-CHAMP03Sp and results from a homogeneous reprocessing of all normal equations including the improved parametrization of the accelerometer calibration parameters. Normal equation regularisation starts at degree 60. Degree dependent scaling of formal std. dev.: 20/1(l=0), -0.5+30/l(0