International Centre for Global Earth Models (ICGEM)
Results of the ICGEM User Survey are now available:
Thank you to everyone who participated and shared their valuable insights. The survey is a significant milestone in the SAMDAT (Service and Archive for Mass Distribution And mass Transport data) project, which aims to further develop ICGEM service. Your feedback will help our team navigate through the tasks of the SAMDAT project and ensure that the future of ICGEM meets your research needs.Access the Results Report
G3 Browser available:
The updated GFZ Grace Gravity (G3) Browser is available on ICGEM.It computes time series of equivalent water height and gives users the opportunity to compare different series.
ICGEM is one of five services coordinated by the
International Gravity Field Service (IGFS) of the
International Association of Geodesy (IAG).
The other services are:
- BGI (Bureau Gravimetrique International), Toulouse, France
- ISG (International Service for the Geoid), Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
- IGETS (International Geodynamics and Earth Tide Service), EOST, Strasbourg, France
- IDEMS (International Digital Elevation Model Service), ESRI, Redlands, CA, USA
Services of ICGEM
- collecting and archiving of all existing global gravity field models
- web interface for getting access to global gravity field models
- web based visualization of the gravity field models their differences and their time variation
- web based service for calculating different functionals of the gravity field models
- web site for tutorials on spherical harmonics and the theory of the calculation service
- new service since 2016: providing a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the data set of the model (the coefficients)
Some ICGEM related documents
- Definition of Functionals of the Geopotential and Their Calculation from Spherical Harmonic Models
- Article about Global Models
- Description of the ICGEM-format
- IGFS and ICGEM in Geodesists Handbook 2016
- ICGEM-Report 2003-2007
- ICGEM-Report 2007-2011
- ICGEM-Report 2011-2015
- ICGEM-Report 2015-2017
- ICGEM Poster 2018
- ICGEM Poster presented at EGU-2019
- Presentation about global models and the ICGEM
- Presentation about the ICGEM (IAG-Assembly, 2013, Potsdam)
- Figure with the differences of some satellite-only models to a recent combination model
Please cite our service as:
Ince, E. S., Barthelmes, F., Reißland, S., Elger, K., Förste, C., Flechtner, F., Schuh, H. (2019):
ICGEM – 15 years of successful collection and distribution of global gravitational models, associated
services and future plans. - Earth System Science Data, 11, pp. 647-674,DOI:
ICGEM Centre's staff at GFZ Potsdam
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