Gravity Field Solutions for dedicated Time Periods

The following gravity field time series are presently available:

GRACE and Grace-FO solutions from the Science Data System centers CSR, GFZ and JPL collapse all
- CSR Center for Space Research at University of Texas, Austin
CSR Release 05 UTCSR Level-2 Processing Standards Document, Rev 4.0 May 29, 2012
CSR Release 06 UTCSR Level-2 Processing Standards Document, Rev 5.0 April 18, 2018
CSR Release 06 (GFO) UTCSR Level-2 Processing Standards Document, V 1.1 June 6, 2019
CSR Release 06.1 (GFO) GRACE-FO CSR L2 Release Notes for RL06.1
CSR Release 06.2 (GFO) GRACE-FO CSR L2 Release Notes for RL06.2
- GFZ Helmholtz Centre Potsdam German Research Centre for Geosciences
GFZ Release 05 GFZ GRACE Level-2 Processing, Revised Edition, January 2013
GFZ Release 06 GFZ GRACE Level-2 Processing Standards Document for Level-2 Products, Rev. 1.0, October 26, 2018
GFZ Release 06 (GFO) GFZ GRACE Level-2 Processing Standards Document for Level-2 Products, Rev. 1.0, June 3, 2019
GFZ Release 06.1 (GFO) GRACE-FO GFZ L2 Release Notes for RL06.1
- JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JPL Release 05 JPL Level-2 Processing Standards Document, Release 05.1 November 3, 2014
JPL Release 06 JPL Level-2 Processing Standards Document, Release 06.0 June 1, 2018
JPL Release 06 (GFO) JPL Level-2 Processing Standards Document, v 1.0 May 28, 2019
JPL Release 06.1 (GFO) GRACE-FO JPL L2 Release Notes for RL06.1

The processing standards to generate the GRACE Level-2 products of CSR, GFZ and JPL
are also available in the Document Section of the GRACE archives at GFZ ISDC or JPL PO.DAAC

COST-G (International Combination Service for Time-variable Gravity Field) collapse all
FSM Fitted Signal Model
Grace-FO RL01
Grace-FO RL02
Grace RL01

Other Models collapse all
- AIUB Astronomical Institute University Bern
AIUB-GRACE-FO_op Operational GRACE Follow-On monthly gravity field solutions from AIUB
AIUB-GRACE-FO_rl02op Operational GRACE Follow-On monthly gravity field solutions - RELEASE 02
AIUB-RL02 GRACE monthly solutions Release 2 from AIUB, more information can be found here
- CNES Centre national d'études spatiales
CNES_GRGS_RL03 GRACE monthly solutions RL03 from CNES/GRGS ; more information can be found here here
CNES_GRGS_RL04 GRACE monthly solutions RL04 from CNES/GRGS ; more information can be found here here
CNES_GRGS_RL05 GRACE-GRACE-FO solutions RL05 from CNES/GRGS ; more information can be found here here
CNES_GRGS_RL05_CHOL GRACE-GRACE-FO monthly solutions RL05 from CNES/GRGS using standard unregularized Cholesky inversion ; more information can be found here here
- EGSIEM European Gravity Service for Improved Emergency Project
EGSIEM GRACE monthly combined solutions from the EGSIEM project, more information can be found here
- HUST Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, PR China
HUST-Grace2016 GRACE monthly solutions
- IGG Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
IGG-RL01 GRACE monthly solutions RL01 from IGG
- IGG, Bonn Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, University Bonn
IGG-Swarm Temporal Gravity Models from Swarm
- ITG Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Universität Bonn
ITG-Grace2010 GRACE monthly solutions, more information can be found here
- ITSG Institute of Geodesy at Graz University of Technology (ITSG)
ITSG-Grace2014 GRACE monthly and daily solutions ; more information can be found here
ITSG-Grace2016 GRACE monthly and daily solutions ; more information can be found here
ITSG-Grace2018 GRACE monthly and daily solutions ; more information can be found here
- LUH Leibniz Universität Hannover
LUH-Grace2018 GRACE monthly solutions from the Institut für Erdmessung, more information can be found here
- QuantumFrontiers Leibniz Universität Hannover
HLSST_SLR_COMB2019s Time-variable gravity fields using HLSST and SLR from the Quantum Frontiers, more information can be found here
- SWJTU Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiao-Tong University, PR China
SWJTU-GRACE-RL01 GRACE monthly solutions
- SWPU Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, China
SWPU-GRACE2021 GRACE monthly solutions
- Tongji Tongji University, Shanghai, PR China
Release 01 GRACE monthly solutions
Release 02 new version GRACE monthly solutions
Release 02 old version GRACE monthly solutions
Tongji-Grace2018 GRACE monthly solutions
- ULux University of Luxembourg
CHAMP2013s CHAMP monthly solutions
- WHU Wuhan University, PR China
WHU RL01 GRACE monthly solutions from the GNSS Research Center of Wuhan University, PR China
WHU-GRACE-GPD01s Monthly gravity field models derived from GRACE intersatellite geopotential differences
- XISM&SSTC Xi'an Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping (XISM) and Space Star Technology co., LTD.
GRACE01 GRACE monthly solutions
- geo-Q Leibniz Universität Hannover
geo-Q_2018 Time-variable gravity fields using HLSST and SLR from the geo-Q, more information can be found here

SLR collapse all

acrobat_reader_icon Note on the DDK filters

J. Kusche, R. Schmidt, S. Petrovic, R. Rietbroek
Decorrelated GRACE time-variable gravity solutions by GFZ, and their validation using a hydrological model
Journal of Geodesy DOI:10.1007/s00190-009-0308-3

acrobat_reader_icon The final draft can be downloaded here.