Gravity Field Models of other Celestial Bodies

We kindly ask the authors of the models to check the links to the original websites of the models from time to time.
Please let us know if something has changed.

The table can be interactively re-sorted by clicking on the column header fields (Nr, Model, Year, Degree, Data, Reference).
In the data column, the datasets used in the development of the models are summarized, where A is for altimetry, S is for satellite (e.g., GRACE, GOCE, LAGEOS), G for ground data (e.g., terrestrial, shipborne and airborne measurements) and T is for topography.

It is not planned to offer the complete service of ICGEM also for non-Earth gravity field models. Nevertheless, we think it could be useful to compile also some gravity field models of other celestial bodies for downloading and for use in our visualisation and calculation service.

Nr Model Year Degree Data References Download DOI
AIUB-GRL350A 2021 350 GRAIL
Bertone et al. (2021)
gfc zip
AIUB-GRL350B 2021 350 GRAIL
Bertone et al. (2021)
gfc zip
densityMOON 2020 89
Sprlak et al. (2020)
gfc zip
STU_MoonTopo720 2019 2160 Topography
Bucha et al. (2019)
gfc zip
STU_MoonTopo720_plusNormalField 2019 2160 Topography
Bucha et al. (2019)
gfc zip
sphericalRFM_CERES_2519.gfc 2019 2519 Topography
Sprlak et al. (2020)
gfc zip
sphericalRFM_MOON_2519.gfc 2019 2519 Topography
Sprlak et al. (2020)
gfc zip
sphericalRFM_MOON_2519_plusNormalField.gfc 2019 2519 Topography
Sprlak et al. (2020)
gfc zip
GrazLGM420b 2018 420
Wirnsberger et al. (2018)
gfc zip
GrazLGM420b+ 2018 420
Wirnsberger et al. (2018)
gfc zip
RFM_Moon_2520 2018 2520
Sprlak et al. (2018)
gfc zip
GrazLGM420a 2017 420
Wirnsberger et al. (2017)
gfc zip
dV_MoonTopo_2160 2017 2160
Hirt and Kuhn (2017)
gfc zip
GrazLGM300c 2016 300
Krauss et al. (2016)
gfc zip
AIUB-GRL200A 2015 200
Arnold et al. (2015)
gfc zip
AIUB-GRL200B 2015 200
Arnold et al. (2015)
gfc zip
GL0660B 2013 660
gfc zip
GRGM660PRIM 2013 660
gfc zip
ggm1025a 2002 80
Lemoine et al. 2001
gfc zip
jgm85f01 2002 85
gfc zip
JGL150Q1 2000 150
gfc zip
JGL165P1 2000 165
gfc zip
ggm2bc80 2000 80
gfc zip
JGL100J1 1999 100
gfc zip
JGL100K1 1999 100
gfc zip
JGL075D1 1998 75
gfc zip
JGL075G1 1998 75
gfc zip
ggm50a01 1998 50
gfc zip
ggm50a02 1998 50
gfc zip
jgm50c01 1998 50
gfc zip
shgj180ua01 1997 180
gfc zip
shgj120pa01 1996 120
gfc zip
GLGM-2 1995 70
Lemoine et al. (1995)
gfc zip
GLGM-1 1994 70
Lemoine et al. (1994)
gfc zip

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